Transform From the Inside Out

Become unshakably confident in who you are through body-based healing.

Explore your internal landscape

Our external reality is a direct reflection of our internal world. The way we think, feel, speak, act, and connect determines the way we experience reality. Yet, so often we focus our attention on everything external first (e.g changing jobs, ending relationships, buying new clothes, starting a fitness plan etc.) and hope that it changes how we feel. I believe we must address the inner landscape first in order to create lasting changes in our lives. My approach works at addressing the emotions, beliefs, and subconscious programs underneath the daily actions we take so that transformation comes from the inside out.

I believe in the philosophy that if you change your energy you can change your life. I know this to be true because I have tested it time and time again in my own life. Our soul essence - the divine, limitless, eternal spirit that lives inside each one of use — is our pathway to manifesting our dreams. And, the access point into this place is our presence. It’s using our awareness to connect back with our inner knowing which is only accessible in the here and NOW. This is the work that I teach. I teach you how to come back into presence so that you can feel the power of your own essence.

Learn the Power of Your Presence

Through exploring your internal landscape the pathway back to true power reveals itself. And, it’s from this place that we can reconnect to the one in us that so deeply knows we are meant to lead and make big impact. Using a variety of modalities (breath, movement, somatic release, NLP) I support you in re-learning how to live in a space of deep presence. I guide you back to that deep place where the noise of the mind becomes muted and your internal wisdom and power can rise up. I create a safe space for you to feel into your inner power, cultivate your voice, speak from the truths of your heart, own your presence, and lead from a deeply embodied place.

Your presence is your greatest super power. Learning to feel life through the lens of deep presence has the capacity to not only change your experience but also change the way you experience the world. When you are so tapped in to how you feel, the internal power that exists within you, and the limitless potential you carry within you begin to embody an entirely knew way of being. Living in the vibration of your highest self becomes your pathway to deep connection, mind-blowing success, and massive impact. This is the vision I hold for you. This is the life I know that you are destined to live.

Through this work, my intention is to invite you home to yourself, to presence - clearing out the noise and fully embracing the essence of who you came here to be. So that you lead a life of deep fulfillment, self-love, and profound connection. And, teach others how to do the same.


Transformational Breathwork

Trauma-informed Breathwork is an incredibly potent and healing modality. Through conscious breath and breath awareness, we have access to an internal landscape of sensations, emotions and stuck energy that live in the tissues of our bodies. Breathwork can be a powerful tool in nervous system regulation and emotional release. This i a key element of my 1:1 coaching and mentorship program. Breath journey’s allow for clients to more deeply explore the healing work they are doing in coaching sessions and deepen their connection to self.

Theraputic Movement

“Somatic” refers to the way in which we relate to the body (“soma” directly translates to “body”). Somatic healing is an essential component of my 1:1 mentorships program. In coaching sessions, I use a body-first approach - tracking sensation alongside sounding, and conscious movement to heal and release stuck energy. Through the language of the body, we have access to the subconscious beliefs that live underneath our daily thoughts and actions. Through this understanding, we create change on a systemic level that transforms our life from the inside out.

Body-Led Coaching

Life coaching is where this world all started and it is the core of the work I do. My coaching approach is rooted in somatic healing, breath-work experiences, IFS therapeutic approaches, and NLP mind-work techniques. To me, the combination of these tools allows for the most catalyzed and profound transformation. As a Trauma-Informed Coach I am able to guide clients through deep healing journey’s that allow for years worth of healing in 6-12 month timelines. The mission of my coaching work is to empower high achievers to awaken their inner drive, unleash their full potential, and live a life that leaves a lasting legacy on the world.

For more information about my private mentorship offerings, click here.